For PvE you can just use Lancaster Repeater, no rifle needed in most occasions. Carcano: Best sniper rifle for PvE, best sniper rifle for PvP. Rolling Block: As a secondary long scope sniper next to short/medium scope carcano in PvP.
For those that enjoy Red Dead Online fashion, the LeMat Revolver sadly fails to add distinct decals due to its smaller size. Elephant Rifle: For legendary animals with PiB, when you don't want to use shotguns for whatever reason. A bonus of this weapon is the under-barrel shotgun attachment, which, despite holding one shell at a time, can certainly save the day in both PvE and PvP. The fact that the revolver holds 9 bullets can make it a machine, and certainly helps counter the slow reload time. The LeMat Revolver is unanimously agreed as one of the best revolvers. Although, if players are seeking to duel-wield these weapons, it’s best not to break the bank open, especially when one can use these to rob the bank. However, there’s a hefty price tag of $317 on the LeMat Revolver, which is something to work towards and can be made easier through fun side quests. It’s great to have one of the best revolvers in Red Dead Online be so accessible so early on, as it will help players remain invested in their weapon of choice, and learn how to best complement their playstyle with it.
At Level 1, the LeMat Revolver will be available to players.